domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

This is the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dear students:

Thxs 4everything!!! For being that enthusiastic and participative. I hope you could have learned, commented and had fun with this Blog!!!

This is the end of our classes. But it doesn't mean we have to say good bye at all...If you want to we can keep seeing each other on this blog.

What I want you to do is to evaluate the blog, the class, the teacher and all the activities carried out in the class and extra-class.

leave you comments and this is it!!!!!!!!!!!


domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

World of Computers!!!

Hello my dear Students!!!

You know computers are really necessary in our lives nowadays.
Who can live whithout one????

And there are some things we must know about computers and web sites when we are applying for a job. This is something that happened to Mr. Taylor.

What you have to do now is:

1. Go to Randall's Blog (at the links part) and click on the Listening Quizzes section on the Medium Column.

2. Go down and click on the last listed listening activitiy "World of Computers", a new window will be opened.

3. Do the three listening activities there. ok???

This exercise must be done individually (just like the others ok???)

4. Write your comments on this blog trying to answer the following question:

What would you do if you were Mr. Tylor?
(Explain your answers)

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


On November 17th 1939 students resistance in the streets of Prague against Nazi occupation inspired the establishment of an anti-Nazi students coalition. In 1941 November 17th was declared International Students Day by the International Students Council in London which became the starting point of the founding of the International Union of Students - IUS.

I think the history will never forget the Nazi atrocities. Given the significance of the alliance which defeated the Nazis, the courage that was taken by predecessors in resisting nazism and fascism, the IUS has maintained the tradition of marking 17th November each year as the International Students Day.

The IUS throughout its history has consistently fought against all forms of discriminations, oppression and intolerance. Education has been placed at the centre of the struggle for democracy, the eradication of poverty, human as well as women's rights, sustainable development and peaceful coexistence.

As in most of the countries celebrate 17th November in 1997 on the eve of the 21st century racism and xenophobia are still prevalent while religious intolerance and ethnic conflicts are costing lives of many people. Still poverty is a daily reality.

However, Mexico honors all the students throughout the country on May 23rd even it is not a state holiday.
Most of the public and private schools have the choice and they decide if this day is celebrated.

What you have to think about being a student is how much you can do to help your country, your state or your city and how laws must be changed in order to place the education as the main objective of freedom of our country.

What do you think my dear students?

Have a wonderful week!!!!

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Go on!!!!

You're doing great, just go on!!!!

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010


An emergency has occurred!!!!

Let’s practice Reported Speech by creating a funny story of messages!!!

Instructions: You have to report what it will be posted and you should leave a new message for others. That way, the second participants will report what the first has said and they will leave a new message for the group number 3, and the third group will report what the second said and they will leave a new message for group 4 and so on!

Did you get it????? I really hope so!!!

This is the first message:

Diana called and said to David:

“I’m not gonna go to the movies with u tomorrow ‘cauz an emergency has occurred”

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

WELCOME to our blog!!!!

This blog is designed for U, the students at CEB "aguascalientes" High School.
So, the first step you should do, is to create your account and be part of it by posting your messages and comments.
Just go to youtube link and browse "how to create a blog with blogger" and that's it. Take notes if you want.

Once you've created it you will be able to enjoy practicing English at home 'cause
It'll also be a space for helping you to read, speak, listen and write English language according to your level.
You'll also see many cool links to help you out with homeworks, practices and everything you want to learn and improve by your own.

Be part of this blog!!!!